The Excitement of Choosing a Translation Concentration at UNY English Literature
Are you a college student at State University of Yogyakarta? Are you English Literature study program? Are you confused about choosing a concentration in 5 semesters? This content is to help you to know one of the three concentrations in the English literature study program. The English Literature study program has three concentrations that you must choose one of. They are literature, linguistics and translation. In the translation concentration, of course, you will be guided by lecturers who are professionals in their fields. Let me introduce the lecturers in the translation concentration. There is a lecturer, Mr. Nababan/Donald as a translating practice, Lecture Mr. Andi Bayu as interpreting practice, computer-assisted translation, and translation criticism and evaluation, and lecture Mr. Yosa as an audiovisual translation.
Figure 1, Donald Jupply, S.S., M.Hum. Figure 2, Dr. Andy Bayu Nugroho, SS., M.Hum.
Figure 3, Yosa Abduh Alzuhdy, S.S., M.Hum.
There is the most favorite subject, namely audiovisual translation. This course is the
most exciting because it is in the digital lab. Many of the tasks given are in the form
of videos, such as dubbing, voice over, translating videos or films by providing
subtitles. It's very exciting because you will be taken to see various kinds of videos
that have been translated well. Get to know how to change voice characters to fill in
cartoon characters, change voice intonation when filling in for characters in certain
programs, change language in films, and other fun. The relaxed and friendly
demeanor of the lecturer makes students very comfortable in class. It is not surprising
that audiovisual translation courses are a favorite subject among translation students.
picture book translation workshop in translation concentration
As for the subject that makes students of English literature always tense during class. According to the experience of the students, the course is interpreting practice taught
by Mr. Andi Bayu. How did it happen? It happened not because the lecturer was
fierce but from the fulfillment of the course assignment itself. Interpreting practice in
process requires you to be a good listener and accustomed to constant, direct, and
impromptu language switching (English-Indonesian or vice versa). That's what makes
students unable to concentrate when the exam arrives. The excitement that occurs between lecturers and students can be seen from the
teamwork. The translation concentration holds many seminars and workshops to hone
the skills of their students. one of them was the project of translating picture books for
children made by English literature students in the children's literature course in the
previous semester. The picture book was chosen as the subject of the product to be
translated and published because it is an excellent program in the English Literature
Study Program. For those of you students of English literature who don't like lots of reading books
such as long novels, are bored with various kinds of literary theory or don't
understand many linguistic theories, you will be saved in the translation concentration. What are you waiting for to join to be part of the translation concentration? Even
though they are still studying various kinds of translation theory, they will always
practice it immediately so that they will easily understand it. Not only that, in the
translation process there are courses that specifically discuss translation machines that
help translators in the process. Besides the friendly lecturers and understanding of
students, you will also get a lot of benefits, including in terms of job prospects
because they are very wide open. For example, being a translator, interpreter, voice- over, voice dubbing, etc. Therefore you won't regret it if you choose a translation
concentration to improve your various skills in English.
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