The Excitement of Choosing a Translation Concentration at UNY English Literature
Are you a college student at State University of Yogyakarta? Are you English Literature study program? Are you confused about choosing a concentration in 5 semesters? This content is to help you to know one of the three concentrations in the English literature study program. The English Literature study program has three concentrations that you must choose one of. They are literature, linguistics and translation. In the translation concentration, of course, you will be guided by lecturers who are professionals in their fields. Let me introduce the lecturers in the translation concentration. There is a lecturer, Mr. Nababan/Donald as a translating practice, Lecture Mr. Andi Bayu as interpreting practice, computer-assisted translation, and translation criticism and evaluation, and lecture Mr. Yosa as an audiovisual translation. Figure 1, Donald Jupply, S.S., M.Hum. Figure 2, Dr. Andy Bayu Nugroho, SS., M.Hum. Figure 3, Yosa Abduh Alzuh...